Algebra 1 Textbook

The best Algebra 1 textbook on the internet is found here. Experience the fun, new, pattern-based approach to learning math. Learn all the math you really need to, with Plain English explanations for everything.

algebra 1 textbook

Algebra 1 Textbook Includes:

algebra 1 textbook
Click Image for Algebra 1 Textbook Topics
It includes printer friendly PDF worksheets, and complete video solutions covering every detail of every problem. It’s a modern, online algebra program in a streaming format. No more heavy textbooks to carry to and from school. Just learn algebra fast and online.
The course is taught by Dr. Scott. He’s an expert at making complicated sounding subjects easy. The course covers all the algebra concepts that you’ll actually need to use in school. In fact, Dr. Scott created the course specifically to answer all those math questions that kept coming up in various science classes that he was teaching.
Unlike most online math courses, you can practice your skills on paper and get personalized feedback from the teacher.

A Complete Algebra Sequence

Our Algebra 1 textbook is part of a comprehensive algebra series. The first course, covering pre-algebra topics, is totally open access for all. Click the image below to get started on our pre algebra course immediately.
Courses covering Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 topics follow in sequence, with course names Algebra WON and Algebra TOO, respectively. 

About the Author

algebra 1 textbook dr scott

Dr. Scott creates online science and math courses that are approachable and fun. He strongly believes that most math textbooks out there are written backwards. That is, they make a lot of sense to teachers that already know math, but don’t necessarily connect well with learners experiencing algebra problems for the first time. After teaching at the junior high, high school and college level, Dr. Scott created his own series of courses focusing on the intuitively obvious patterns of math.

Dr Scott has a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of California, and he has taught at the high school and college level. Learn more.

Free Pre-Algebra Course

Click the image to start immediately! 


Safe, private, respectful, and positive.


Optional progress evaluations by Dr. Scott.

Video Format

Chemistry video textbook with all worksheet solutions.

Stories from New Algebra Wizards

Read from others like you on the path to mastering algebra.

Wow, all those funny symbols for algebra actually make sense now. I feel like a algebra master!

Maia B.

College Student

Thanks for making a totally online, video based algebra textbook. It’s like YouTube except actually educational for my boys!

Ed W.


So cool to find an open access course online to get up to speed with those topics in the algebra 1 textbook!

Kari F.

High School Student

The online algebra textbook and pdf printable worksheets are a nice combo. Very hands on!

Gladia R.


Click image for textbook topics.

Get Your Algebra Book Now!