Best Homeschool High School Biology Live Online 2024

The Best Homeschool High School Biology Live Online Class and Curriculum for 2024 is a great way to get started learning bio!

Best Homeschool High School Biology Live Online Curriculum

It’s the best homeschool high school biology online class because it’s is a fun introduction to high school level cell biology. There are live Zoom classes for 2024, and we also have a Self Paced version (and free demo lessons) of the online bio course.


Topics for the best homeschool high school biology curriculum covers cell structure and function in Part A and cell division in Part B. The online cell bio class is set up for biology lab science credit for high school for homeschoolers. There are lessons, assignments, and grades, in addition to a biology lab simulation that will prepare students for college lab science courses. Plus, we use biology games to enhance learning biology vocabulary.

"Games, drawings, friendly worksheets, fun live bio classes, no-mess labs, and the scientific method. It's totally complete." --Cindy, Homeschool Mom with 9th grader in the program.

See the Live Zoom Class Schedules

Click to see the currently listed class schedules for biology lessons on Zoom with a live teacher.

The Best Homeschool High School Biology Curriculum

• Live and Self Paced/On-Demand video lessons.
• Includes biology lab manual, biology textbook, worksheets, exams, answer keys.
• Emphasis on biology vocabulary games to learn bio fast.
• Based on the scientific method, not memorization.
• Virtual biology labs for microscopy, experiments, modeling, lab safety.
• Complete college prep homeschool biology curriculum for high school.
• Developed by homeschoolers with Ph.D. curated materials.
• No lab kits. No dissections. No evolution. No creation.
• Taught by former a college professor and a former veterinarian.
• Teaches kids to be self starters. Minimal parent involvement needed!

Take Our Homeschool High School Bio Course If You're:​

– A high school student needing lab science credit.
– An advanced middle school learner.
– A homeschooler looking for biology with a secular curriculum online.
– Looking to develop your scientific drawing skills.
– Anybody who might have an interest in a career in the health sciences such as pre-dental, pre-medical, or pre-nursing students.

Bio Course Details

Formats: Live On Zoom and also Self Paced options.

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per week.

Real Live Teacher: Always, for either the Live or Self Paced format.

Certificate: Yes.

Course Topics: 2024 Homeschool High School Biology (Part A)

Lesson 1: Prokaryotic Cells Diagrams

We start by learning about the simplest organisms, those that lack a nucleus. In biology, these are called the prokaryotes. They are tiny, single celled life forms. A common example is bacteria, and will learn about the roles of “good” and “bad” bacteria. The lesson will focus on making a scientific drawling of the bacteria, and identifying all of the parts. The laboratory component will have an online microscope training.

Lesson 2: Eukaryotic Cells Diagrams

The second lesson is about cells that have a nucleus. These are more complex lifeforms known as the eukaryotes. They could be tiny, single celled lifeforms, or, eukaryotes could be multicellular lifeforms, like us humans. The lesson will focus on making a scientific drawling of a generic animal cell, which is the type of cell found in humans. We learn to identify parts, and, understand what they do. There’s a fill in the blank exercise to help with the vocabulary. For lab, we learn how to prepare a proper biology laboratory notebook.

Lesson 3: Plant and Animal Cells

It turns out that plant cells are way more complex and animal cells. And so, in the third lesson we make drawings of plant cells. They have more parts the animal cells, and this will be one of the more complex drawings in the course. We will play some word games to help with the vocabulary, and the laboratory activity will be to draw some prokaryotic cells.

Lesson 4: Brain, Skin and Blood Cells

We will learn about different types of cells in the human body, including the various types of blood cells, skin cells, and are cells and brain cells. The lab activity will focus on making microscope drawings of blood cells.

Lesson 5: DNA, RNA, and Proteins

The nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, are found in the nucleus of cells. We will understand their role in making proteins, which are substances that cells need to stay alive and healthy. The lab will focus on making microscope drawings of nucleic acids.

Lesson 6: Lipid Bilayers: Membranes

Membranes are the single most important aspect of a cell, as you might say they define the cell. Membranes separate what’s outside cell from what’s inside. And membranes also separates the many, tiny organelles found with in living cells. We will learn about the chemical structure of membranes. The bio lab will be making microscope drawings of membranes.

Lesson 7: Active & Passive Membrane Transport

We continue the discussion of membranes, and we learn how salt and water or moved into the cell. This is important not only to keep the cells hydrated, as life requires water. Through the process of osmosis, salsa brought into the cell cause water to flow into the cell, pressurizing the cell, so we can hold its shape and function properly. The lab will use electron microscopes to make drawings of organelles found within living cells.

Lesson 8: Lungs and Blood Cells

In the final lesson we put it all together and we understand how blood cells in the lungs help new oxygen around the body. It’s an applied lesson in which we understand how the biology of cells affect the biology of our human body as a whole. The lab will be to make drawings of blood cells using an electron microscope.

Course Topics: 2024 Homeschool High School Biology (Part B)

Cell Biology Part B can be taken after Part A. The second course, Part B, is about cell growth and division. We will focus on mitosis meiosis and plant reproductive methods. The class will also cover pedigree analysis and inheritance, without having an overly complicated molecular approach to study DNA in detail. The high school homeschool biology course will focus on understanding practical aspects of how individual cells affect human health. Examples include antibodies and genetic diseases.

Course Sequence

Cell Bio Part A is the first course in our sequence of homeschool high school biology online classes. Learn bio from the best homeschool high school biology course that focuses on college prep and applying the scientific method.
Cell Bio Part A: Cell Biology is followed by Cell Bio Part B: Cell Division about the replication and division of cells. 
biology teacher headshot

Meet Your Instructor

Dr K is our 9th grade biology teacher, and all high school aged students are welcome in her class. She has decades of experience in health and veterinary sciences, plus experience in major research institutes. She enjoys using games to teach high school biology.